The Ultimate Moving And Storage Guide

  • Keeping Items Safe In Storage

    4 March 2015

    When storing items inside a self storage unit, there are many things that can happen to them if they are not properly placed and cared for. Things like insects, rodents and moisture can all destroy your items if they are not properly wrapped or placed. Here are some tips you can use to help make sure your belongings will be kept in the best condition possible while being stored. Keeping Out Moisture

  • Five Tips For Organizing Your Move

    26 February 2015

    Moving is chaotic. However, there are some things you can do to organize your belongings so that you can find them easily. Here are five tips to help you.  1. Get the correct supplies. You want to have plenty of high quality boxes (especially for heavy or fragile items), packing tape with a tape gun, bubble wrap, packing paper, scissors, colored duct tape, and markers. Create a "packing" caddy with everything you need so that you don't waste time searching for your moving supplies.

  • What To Expect During A Piano Move

    20 February 2015

    Are you a piano owner with plans to relocate? If so, you need to take special considerations when it comes to moving your piano. Pianos are heavy instruments, and attempting to move them on your own could result in you injuring yourself. There is also a possibility that you may damage the piano due to not having the correct equipment to lower or raise it during a move. Keep in mind that moving a piano safely is quite different than simply moving a piano.

  • Tips For Space-Challenged Living Spaces

    11 February 2015

    From micro-apartments to studios to tiny homes, small living spaces are definitely in. However, these diminutive living spaces have their pros and cons; while cheaper housing payments and lower utility bills may be a plus, cramped living and less storage area would definitely fall into the "con" category. Luckily, there are some things you can do to maximize a smaller living space; consider these tips: The Minimalist Lifestyle Yes, "minimalist living"